

In this work I used the tools I learned in developing precedent works to generate a landscape with hills, flowers, streams, ruins, sky and clouds. The generated landscape gives the impression of a natural one but at the same time it has some “abstract” traits that reveal the geometrical properties of the noise generation process. This noise is used both for the morphological aspect and for colors assignment.

Developed with p5.js using WEBGL renderer.
Rendering is faster with chrome browser.

[s] to save a 1600×1600 png.

“Palette”: 12 colormap
“Sky”: Day, Night, Gray – 15% Gray, 20% Night, 65% Day
“Ruins”: True, False – 33% True
“Streams”: True, False – 33% True
“Flower”: Red-Blue, Fuchsia-Yellow, Rose-Violet
“Border”: True, False – 25% True

Everything flows

The Generative Token is obtained in two stages: in the first stage warped noise is generated using the method explained by Inigo Quilez (see Licence.txt for reference); in the second stage, using Sobel method for edge detection, the noise gradient orientation is used to generate flow lines.

The first stage generate an image colored using the values of warped noise.
The second stage generate another image using gradient orientations both for shapes (the flow lines) and for coloring.
The two images are blended together to obtain the final result.

In both stages the color-maps are generated using a sinusoidal function of the gradient orientation angle with a random phases. There are 52 possible combinations of random phases.
Some palette used in the second stage are re-mixed using simplex noise with 20% of probability.

The user can save a 1200×1200 png with ‘s’.

Sources of variations are:

  • Four noise warping control parameters generating different grade of complexity and different shape (combined on a single number on the features)
  • 38 generated color mapping for warped noise
  • 38 generated color mapping for flow lines
  • Blending of the two intermediate images

Grays: 25% of probability to have a grays palette, (True, False)
Color Palette: one of the 38 possible combinations of random phases
Color Mixing: 20% of probabilty to have a re-mixed palette
NoiseControl: noise control parameter, (0 – 15)
Rare: when Grays = True and NoiseControl < 4

Variations on Tribble Fur

The Generative Token is obtained in two stages: in the first stage warped noise is generated using the method explained by Inigo Quilez (see Licence.txt for reference); in the second stage, using Sobel method for edge detection, the noise gradient orientation is used to generate flow lines for the “Fur”.

The first stage generate an image colored using the values of warped noise.
The second stage generate another image using gradient orientations both for shapes (the fur) and for coloring.
The two images are blended together to obtain the final result.

In both stages color-map can be a precalculated palette or a generated one. There are four precalculated palettes read from files and many more generated with random phases.

The user can save a 1200×1200 png with ‘s’.

Sources of variations are:

– Four noise warping control parameters generating different grade of complexity and different shape
– One flattening control parameter
– Blending of the two intermediate images
– precalculated (four) or generated (many) color mapping for warped noise
– precalculated (four) or generated (many) color mapping for flow furry lines

– Color Palette: the kind of color palette used in the two stages, (Gen + Gen | Gen + Map | Map + Gen | Map + Map)
– ColorGen: the color scheme for generated palette, can be “Grays” (one) or “Colors” (many)
– ColorMap: the precalculated color palette (the name)
– NoiseControl: noise control parameter, 0 – 15
– FlatControl: flattening control parameter, 1 – 19
– Rare: when “Color Palette” = “Gen + Gen” and “ColorGen” = “Grays”, each event has 25% probability so should be 6.25%