
All my works have one thing in common: they are the product of a program written by me. I have never used traditional tools or even photo editing or post-processing programs. I have nothing negative to say about these tools, even less about those who use them, there are artists who create wonderful things using them, they simply do not belong to my way of expressing myself.

Early works

Since I had the opportunity to use a personal computer, I have started writing programs to obtain interesting graphic displays. The first experimates were aimed at the visualization of geometric objects described by mathematical equations: curves, surfaces, solids.

Examples of artworks derived from these early experiments are:

Balloons in the Wind on ‘hic et nunc’

      Spherical harmonics on

        Spherical Harmonics Insectarium on fxhash

        Cellular Automata

        A topic in computer science that has always fascinated me is that of the cellular automaton: a mathematical model used to describe the evolution of complex systems. The variety and complexity generated in the evolution of cellular automata has inspired many artists in the field of generative art.

        Artwork derived from experiments on cellular automata:

        Reaction Diffusion Cellular Automata on fxhash


        Another field of study that has influenced my works is that of chaos theory and fractal geometry. This is a world from which you can draw infinite ideas for generative graphics programs: strange attractors, Mandelbrot sets and fractal objects in a stochastic (non-deterministic) sense that allow you to simulate natural processes such as the formation of mountains and the growth of plants.

        Fractal experiments led to my landscape works:

        Paesaggio on fxhash

            Landscapes on my mind on fxhash

            Landscapes out of my mind on fxhash


            Some types of noise are generated in such a way to have characteristics of self-similarity typical of fractal geometry. This makes them a useful tool for generating natural and organic shapes.

            Artworks derived from experiments on noise and noise fields:

            YANF (Yet Another Noises and Flows) on fxhash

            Everything flows on fxhash

              Boids on fxhash