Hamiltonian Chaos Rug

Hamiltonian Chaos Rug

For my contribution to the #genuary32nd event I decided to mint a generative token based on my #genuary21 (Persian Rug) interpretation.

The images are generated iterating a discrete map on the plane obtaining the Poincaré section of an higher dimensional dynamical system. In this case the dynamical system is a simple periodically kicked harmonic oscillator.

The symmetry in the generated images in some way resembles those seen in middle eastern tapestry.

The palettes used are a subset of the Studio Yorktown Color Town Hall MIT licensed palettes.

It is possible to explore the map zooming in and out and saving the results in 2K and 4K resolutions.

[z] to zoom in
[x] to zoom out

Default resolution: 2000×2000

[2] to redraw at double resolution (4000×4000)
[1] to redraw at default resolution
[s] to save a png at current resolution

It is possible to interact and save only when iterations stop.

Sources of variations:

  • 28 palettes
  • 4 kinds of symmetries (4, 5, 6, 7-fold)
  • Several values for scale factor (20 – 80)

Developed with p5.js and chroma.js library

Created by Andrea Belloni, fxhash: anbello, twitter: @Waterflowing0. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see License.txt for more information.


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